Social Media Marketing for Virtual Bookkeepers

Your bookkeeping business needs leads, prospects, and clients the same way you and I need oxygen, food, and water. The issue is that many bookkeepers I work with struggle to find time to market their websites or don’t know how.

The reality is that it doesn’t have to be as time-consuming or complicated as you think. You can invest in a done-for-you solution or follow this simple, 5-step process for marketing your bookkeeping business on social media.

Step 1. Identify your ideal client

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying, “If you try to please everyone, you will please no one.”

As tempting as it can be to try to take on any and every business owner that comes your way, you can’t work with everyone – and shouldn’t try to. You should only work with people you’ll enjoy working with. These are your dream clients.

When identifying your dream clients, here are some questions to ask yourself:

  1. What kind of people do you, or would you, enjoy working with?
  2. What is their job title?
  3. What is their profession?
  4. What industry are they in?
  5. What problems do they have when it comes to managing their business finances?
  6. How do those problems make them feel and how is it impacting their business?
  7. If their problems were solved, what impact would that have on both them and their business?

Step 2. Optimize your social media profile

Think of your profile as your virtual business card. It will be your first impression others have with you so make it count by adding these six things.

  1. A branded cover image/banner with your logo, contact information, and website URL
  2. A professional headshot
  3. A clear tagline that states what you do, who you do it for, and how it helps
  4. A detailed “about” section that positions you as an authority
  5. Client testimonials and recommendations
  6. Relevant work experience

Step 3. Build connections with your ideal clients

Do a quick search for your ideal clients and start a conversation. Send a friend request or connection and a quick message introducing yourself.

Here’s a quick plug-and-play message formula:

“Hey {{First Name}}, I came across your profile, and I’d love to learn more about you and your work. I help {{your ideal client}} {{solution to problem}} so they can {{result your ideal client wants}}.” Would you be interested in having a quick chat?” 

Step 4. Post content that converts

Marketing is all about building connections to attract clients. One of the simplest ways to do this is by posting and sharing valuable content. But it’s not about what you, as a bookkeeper, find valuable. It’s about what your ideal clients do.

The content you post should be specific to your dream clients/niche, easy to digest, and relevant to the problems they have with clear actionable solutions.

This website success plan can help you build an audience with monthly, done-for-you social media content so you can direct them to your website to learn more about you and your services.

Step 5. Start conversations

Marketing isn’t a one-time thing. To get results, you will need to be patient and consistent. Make it a priority to regularly make new connections on social media and start conversations every day.

You never know how the connections you make today will impact you in the future – maybe even tomorrow!

In the video below, I interview Grace Costa, a social media marketing expert at Social Accountant, who shares how virtual bookkeepers can use social media to attract their dream clients online with her DIY social media content membership for bookkeepers and accountants.

YouTube video
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